Total Safety Blog

Fireworks Safety

Independence Day is here, and that means celebrations with friends and family. Watching fireworks has been a tradition for Americans on the 4th of July of July but there are some things to keep in mind when it comes to the safety of fireworks. July is National Fireworks Safety Month. During Independence Day and throughout the summer, you should try to only enjoy public fireworks displays put on by professionals.

The danger of fireworks

According to the National Safety Council, 8 people died and 12,000 were injured badly enough to need medical treatment after incidents related to fireworks. Fireworks start an average of 18,500 fires each year. Keep in mind that using smaller fireworks such as sparklers is also dangerous. Sparklers burn at about 2,000 degrees and can cause severe burns. This 4th of July, skip the consumer fireworks and bring your friends and family to watch a fireworks show put on by experts. 

Construction Fires

While it is important to think about fire safety when you are having celebrations for Independence Day, fire safety is also important in everyday life, such as when you are on the job. When you are on a construction site, there are many hazards present that could lead to devastating fires. 

According to the National Association of State Fire Marshals, US Fire departments respond to an annual average of 3,750 fires in structures under construction, 2,650 fires in structures undergoing major renovation, and 2,130 fires in structures being demolished. These fires resulted in an annual average of 13 civilian deaths, 132 civilian injuries, and $310,000,000 in property damages. 

Staying Safe from Fires on Construction Sites

There are many fire hazards on a construction site. There are steps workers should take to minimize fires on a jobsite. These steps include: 

  • Create a fire safety plan
  • Enforce the no smoking rule, smoking is illegal on NYC construction sites
  • Do not allow open fires on construction sites
  • Make sure fire extinguishers are properly placed through the jobsite
  • Make sure heating equipment is in compliance with fire code
  • Replace wooden ladders with non-combustible ladders
  • Store materials away from flames

TSCFD Helps Keep Construction Sites Safe from Fire

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TSCFD, Total Safety Consulting’s Fire Services Department, has a team of professional fire safety personnel that will help to make sure that construction, demolition, and alteration work is conducted in compliance with FDNY fire code. Our safety personnel can serve as onsite fireguards or fire safety managers. To learn more about the benefits of working with TSCFD, contact us today! 

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