The sixth annual National Safety Stand-Down to prevent falls in construction will be held May 6-10, 2019.
Preventing falls may seem simple, but OSHA states it is the leading cause of worker fatalities in construction. In 2017, 366 worker fatalities were due to falls, making up 38% of the 971 fatalities that occurred on construction sites. Those deaths were preventable. A focus on preventing falls on the construction site starts and ends by following safety procedures on site, as well as following proper use of equipment on sites.
Ladder Usage on the Site

Ladders are an essential piece of equipment to the construction site and must be handled properly to ensure fall prevention. When operating a ladder, be sure to use three-points-of-contact while climbing to maintain stability. With either one hand and two feet, or two hands and one foot, using three points-of-contact while ascending or descending will decrease the chance of falls during a climb. Throughout the climb, it is important to know that three points-of-contact cannot be utilized while holding any tools or items. Be sure to not be carrying anything during your climb, as it will minimize stability during the climb and lead to a potential fall.
Working with Scaffolding

Scaffolding is another common construction site area that is prone to falls. While on scaffolding, be sure that the scaffold has guardrails installed and a fall arrest system in place for workers. In addition to proper equipment, workers must be trained to work while on the scaffolding and that the area is inspected by the site safety manager. With the proper training, inspection, as well as construction of the scaffolding itself, the overall safety of the scaffolding is ensured for the workers who use it.
TSC’s Fall Prevention Priority
Fall Prevention is more than just a buzzword in the construction industry today. Preventing falls is critical in providing a safe work environment. When working from heights, it is important to know the basics of fall prevention to avoid danger to yourself and to your co-workers. Total Safety Consulting is hard at work to ensure that falls are avoided on site and reduce the overall number of worker injury.
Throughout the nationally recognized week dedicated to fall prevention, we will be on sites giving safety presentations, part of the overall initiative of the National Safety Stand-Down program. The National Safety Stand-Down is an OSHA recognized week where employers talk directly to their workers about safety. Our event is designed to stress the importance of fall protection, and how safety has provided an overall benefit to construction across New York and New Jersey. These talks are to reinforce the idea of fall prevention on site, keeping workers safe from potential injury as well as inform workers how important a seemingly simple topic is.
For more information on fall prevention and more tips to provide for a better, safer job site environment, contact TSC today.